I have a hard time getting myself to a professional photographer because of the high-end camera equipment my husband decided we NEEDed 🙂  When our daughter was born, I wanted a good picture of her for Christmas and wanted to see if we could pull it off on our own.  I got the idea to use wrapping paper as a backdrop for her photo and I really liked the end result.  Think of all the great papers that are on the market now…what an inexpensive way to pull off a terrific backdrop!  In this particular shot…we simply taped the wrap to a door which she is up against and ran it across the floor underneath her…I didn’t even cut the floor piece from the roll….didn’t want to waste any 🙂 I left the photograph in this post un-cropped for a point of reference….see the light peeking under the door?  My closet is filling up with gift wrap now!

I think it would also make a good backdrop to showcase items to sell in an Etsy shop or in tutorials etc.
